Sunday, July 19, 2009

We are home. I'll try to remember everything that happened since the last post. Speaking of the last post, There is at least one typographical error. We stayed at the Westin (not Westing) in Portland and Seattle.

Anyway, Olivia and I dropped Sonya at the airport in Seattle around 10:30 Wednesday morning. From there, we drove all the way across Washington to Lowell, Idaho. Thursday morning, we went to the take out for the Selway river and met Brent. He said they had a great trip--the best one yet. It took until about 3:00 to get all their gear loaded. We left Lowell, Idaho and headed for Butte, Montana. We spent the night in a historical motel (built in the 1950s) and then headed for Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. It was one of the longest days we've had. There was road construction on every road we took. We finally made it to Mt. Rushmore around 7:00. The monument is really impressive. I thought there would just be a turn off on the road with a spot to stop and view the mountain. However, there is an entire commercialized center built at the mountain. There was a $10 charge to park. The entry to the monument is down the Avenue of Flags which has flags representing each state. There were several cafes and gift shops, a museum and visitors' center. We were there just long enough for Olivia to earn a Junior Ranger badge. We left Mt. Rushmore and headed back to Rapid City to eat supper. We finished supper around 10:00, got int he car and drove all night. Brent drove until about 3 AM and then I drove until 9 AM. We stopped for breakfast and planned to drive to Nashville and spend the night, but the closer we got to Nashville, the closer we were to home, so we decided to drive all night once again. We arrived about 2:30 AM and are now in the process of cleaning about 4 million bugs off the front of the car and unloading/unpacking all our stuff. I'm going to take a nap. I'll post pictures later.

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